Note: This class is in the process of being updated. Pages will be marked as "Incomplete" if their content is not complete and "In Review" if they are still in review.
This is from a student but it really hits the mark!
Below is an outline of the presentation of topics by week:
- Introduction
- Getting Started with Python and an Introduction to Arithmetic
- How Computers Work With Strings, Numbers, "For" Loops
(Jan 26)
- How Computers Work
- Problems with Precision and Performance
- Boolean Logic and "If" Statements
- Lists
- "For" Loops
- Homework Assignment: Numbers
- Homework Assignment: Lists and Loops
- Strings and writing them to files
- Reformatting Data in Text Files With Python
- Accessing data on the Internet
- Accessing ArcGIS from Python
- Building ArcGIS tools with Python
- Batch Processing With Python
- User Interfaces and Classes
- Introduction To Classes
- The Python GUI
- Assignment: Create a spatial model of species interactions (Due April 9)
- Other Packages (Jim at CalGIS April 14-16)
- Creating larger projects
- Structuring Folders
- The Ultimate ArcGIS Tools
- Software Lifecycle
- Investigation
- Design
- Implementation
- Testing
- Release
- Maintenance
- Homework Assignment: TBD (Apr 23)
- TBD (Apr 30)
- Where to Go From Here
(May 7)
- Where to go from here
- Additional Resources
- Homework Assignment: Work on final project
- Final Projects Due by midnight on Thursday at the latest!
- Final Exam: 8:00am Monday, present project
Final Exam: Monday, 8:00am to 9:50am
ArcGIS Python Refrence (incomplete):
- Raster (GRID) Arithmetic
- Other Raster (GRID) Functions
- Vector (Feature) Functions
- Accessing Map Documents
- Scripting the Field Calculator
Other Resources:
Link to Tracy Kugler's Examples for ArcGIS 9
tutorialspoint Python Programming