Getting Started Tutorials 3D Reference

Class CMUtilities

CMUtilities Class

General utilities.

Copyright (C) 2020, Humboldt State University, Jim Graham

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Enumerated Types

    CMUtilities.COORDINATE_UNITS_PIXELS=4 - displays the pixel level coordinates for debugging
    CMUtilities.COORDINATE_UNITS_ZOOM=5 - displays the zoom level for debugging

Static Functions

AbsolutePosition(TheElement, Left, Top, Width, Height)
Coordinate GetElementCoordinate()
Colors GetColorsFromArrays(FeatureValues, TheColors, Intervals)
LegendElement AddLegend(TheCanvasElement, TheColors, LegendLabels, X,Y,Width,Height)
Mean GetMean(TheArray)
StdDev GetStdDev(TheArray)
{Min,Max} GetMinMax(TheArray)
{Min,Max,Bins,Labels} GetHistogram(TheArray, NumBins)
Quantiles GetQuantiles(TheHistogram, NumGroups)
FlippedArray FlipArray(TheArray)
InsertIntoSortedArray(TheArray, TheValue, AllowDuplicates)
Flag ArraysEqual(TheArray1, TheArray2)
CoordinateArray GetRegularPolygon(NumPoints, Size, CenterX, CenterY, StartAngle)
CoordinateArray GetStar(NumPoints, Size, CenterX, CenterY, StartAngle)
TheElement CreateLabelControl(Text, Position, X, Y)
TheElement CreateInfoWindow(ID, Left, Top, Width, Height, Text)
LineIndex InPolyline(RefX, RefY, TheCoordinates, Tolerance)
Flag BoundsIncludes(ExteriorBounds, InteriorBounds)
Flag BoundsOverlap(Bounds1, Bounds2)
ClonedBounds CloneBounds(TheBounds)
TheBounds AddToBounds(TheBounds, NewBounds)
ExpandBounds(TheBounds, Amount)
Flag InsideAPolygon(RefX, RefY, Xs, Ys, NumPoints)
Bounds GetPolygonBounds(Xs, Ys, NumPoints)
Distance GetLength(X1,Y1,X2,Y2)
Result IntersectionOfTwoLineSegments(X1,Y1,X2,Y2)
Seconds GetSeconds()
ClonedObject Clone()
CoordinateString GetCoordinateString(-, -, -, -, -)
QuadArea GetQuadArea(Xs, Ys)
Angle GetAngleBetweenLineSegments(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3)
Angle GetAngleBetweenVectors(X1,Y1,X2,Y2)
Flag IsValid(Value)
Index IndexOfChildInElement(Child, Parent)
RemoveChildElement(Element, Parent)
ContentsElement(Parent, TargetChild)

Static Functions

AbsolutePosition(TheElement, Left, Top, Width, Height)

Make an element be positioned abosolutely

    TheElement - the DOM element to position
    Left - left position in pixels
    Top - Top position in pixels
    Width - Width in pixels
    Height - Height in pixels


Moves the global coordinate to be local with the specified element

Returns: Coordinate - Global coordinate as {x,y}

Colors=GetColorsFromArrays(FeatureValues, TheColors, Intervals)

Creates an array of colors from a set of feature values, a set of colors, and defined intervals.
The returned result
Used to create legends.

    FeatureValues - array of values for the features, typically from an attribute
    TheColors - array of colors for the FeatureValues
    Intervals - optional array of intervals that bracket the colors. If not specified, the intervals will be defined to cover the range of FeatureValues

Returns: Colors - { LegendLabels,FeatureColors} where LegendLabels an array of names appropriate for a legend and FeatureColors is an array to colorize each of the features

LegendElement=AddLegend(TheCanvasElement, TheColors, LegendLabels, X,Y,Width,Height)

Adds a legend to a DOM element. This is a basic legend and this function may be expanded in the future.

    TheCanvasElement - the element to add the legend to
    TheColors - array of colors for the legend
    LegendLabels - labels to go next to the legend colors
    X,Y,Width,Height - position and dimensions of the legend in pixels

Returns: LegendElement - a new DOM element.


Get the mean value for the specified array

    TheArray - array of numeric values

Returns: Mean - average value of the values in the array


Compute the standard deviation for the values in the array

    TheArray - array of numeric values

Returns: StdDev - standard deviation of the values in the array


Get the min and max values from the specified array

    TheArray - array of numeric values

Returns: {Min,Max} - null

{Min,Max,Bins,Labels}=GetHistogram(TheArray, NumBins)

Get a histogram with the specified number of bins

    TheArray - array of numeric values
    NumBins - array of numeric values

Returns: {Min,Max,Bins,Labels} - a histogram in an object with the keys:

Quantiles=GetQuantiles(TheHistogram, NumGroups)

Quantiles are the breaks in a range of values that divides them into
groups that contian an equal number of entries.

    TheHistogram - array of countes
    NumGroups - number of groups to contain the same number of entries

Returns: Quantiles - array of quantiles


Reverse the order of the entries in the array.


Returns: FlippedArray - Array with entries reversed.


Sort an array from the lowest to the highest values


InsertIntoSortedArray(TheArray, TheValue, AllowDuplicates)

Adds the specified value into TheArray while keeping the array sorted from lowest to highest value.

    TheArray - an array that is already sorted
    TheValue - the numeric value to insert
    AllowDuplicates - true to allow duplicate entries

Flag=ArraysEqual(TheArray1, TheArray2)

Compares the two arrays to see if they are identical


Returns: Flag - true if the arrays are the same length and have equivalent entries

CoordinateArray=GetRegularPolygon(NumPoints, Size, CenterX, CenterY, StartAngle)

Returns an array of coordinates for a regular polygon of the specified
number of points.

    NumPoints - 3 for a triangle, 4 for a square, 5 for a pentagon, etc.
    Size - Distance from the center to each point in the polygon
    CenterX - Center for the polygon
    StartAngle - 0 to have the first point straight up (north), 90 for east, etc.

Returns: CoordinateArray - Array with first entry as an array of x coordinate values and the second as y coordinate values

CoordinateArray=GetStar(NumPoints, Size, CenterX, CenterY, StartAngle)

Returns the shape of a star

    StartAngle - angle to the first point in degrees (0 is up)

Returns: CoordinateArray - Array with first entry as an array of x coordinate values and the second as y coordinate values

TheElement=CreateLabelControl(Text, Position, X, Y)

Creates a DOM element at the specified location

    Text - the text displayed in the element
    Position - CSS position parameter
    X - pixel-based horizontal position
    Y - pixel-based vertical position

Returns: TheElement - DOM element (DIV)

TheElement=CreateInfoWindow(ID, Left, Top, Width, Height, Text)

Dimensions are for the box, the triangle will be placed below it

    ID - The name of the balloon element to create (typically each map has a unique ID)
    Left - location to tie the tooltip to (typically the X coordinate of the mouse down)
    Top - location to tie the tooltip to (typically the Y coordinate of the mouse down)
    Width - desired width of the tool tip (in future versions, the tooltip may be smaller
    Height - ignored, the tooltip now sizes with it's contents
    Text - the HTML to place int he tooltip

Returns: TheElement - DOM element (DIV)

LineIndex=InPolyline(RefX, RefY, TheCoordinates, Tolerance)

Determines if the specified point is within the tolerance of one of the TheCoordinates

    RefX - horizontal coordinate value
    RefY - vertical coordinate value
    TheCoordinates - array of coordinate values where [i][0]=x, [i][1]=y (i.e. the OGS standard)
    Tolerance - horizontal coordinate value

Returns: LineIndex - index to a line segement within the poly if it is within Tolerance of the coordinate defined by RefX,RefY


Returns the index to the point in the polyline that is within Tolerance of RefX, RefY

Flag=BoundsIncludes(ExteriorBounds, InteriorBounds)

Determines if the second bounds is included within the first bounds.


Returns: Flag - true if the interior bounds is inside the exterior bounds (they can touch and this can still be true)

Flag=BoundsOverlap(Bounds1, Bounds2)

Returns true if the two bounds objects overlap


Returns: Flag - true if the bounds overlap, false otherwise


Returns a clone of the specified bounds object.


Returns: ClonedBounds - null

TheBounds=AddToBounds(TheBounds, NewBounds)

Makes sure that the area of the specified bounds is within the returned bounds.


Returns: TheBounds - Bounds with the NewBounds included

ExpandBounds(TheBounds, Amount)

Expands the bounds by the specified amount

    Amount - amount to expand the bounds in each direction

Flag=InsideAPolygon(RefX, RefY, Xs, Ys, NumPoints)

Determines if the specified point is within the specified polygon.
This is done by counting the number of line segements from the polygon
that a horiziontal line through the point would intersect with.
If the number of lines is odd, then the point is inside the polygon.
If the number of lines is even, then the point is outside.

Most similar algorithms do not deal with flat lines very well. The problem
is that there can be a flat line to the right of the point. This approach:
- Does not check the start and end points in the FindNumLineCrossingsToTheRight()
function. These are special cased.
- Flat areas are "ignored"
- When the point of interest is at the same Y value as a point in the polygon:
- When the direction of a flat area changes, there is not crossing (peak or valley with a flat top or bottom)
- For non flat areas the approach is the same, if the direction changes, we're on a peak or vally and the number of crossings does not change.

    RefX - x coordinate value to test
    RefY - y coordinate value to test
    Xs - array of x coordinate values, does not need to close
    Ys - array of y coordinate values, does not need to close
    NumPoints - number of coordinates to test in the array.

Returns: Flag - null

Bounds=GetPolygonBounds(Xs, Ys, NumPoints)

Return the rectangular bounds for the specified polygon


Returns: Bounds - Bounds surrounding the polygon


Finds the distance between two points

    X1,Y1,X2,Y2 - two coordinates

Returns: Distance - numeric distance between the two points


Finds the intersection between two line segements

    X1,Y1,X2,Y2 - two coordinates

Returns: Result - [0]=RefX, [1]=RefY


Return the current number of seconds for timing code

Returns: Seconds - number of seconds


Create a clone of the specified object. For non-objects, returns the specified object.
Will do a deep clone on arrays (which are objects in JavaScript) and dictionaries (also objects)
Adapted from:

Returns: ClonedObject - null

CoordinateString=GetCoordinateString(-, -, -, -, -)

Gets a text string with the specified units for display.

    - RefX - East/West coordinate value
    - RefY - North/South coordinate value
    - CoordinateUnits - The desired coordinate units from CMUtilities.COORDINATE_UNITS
    - TheProjector - Optional projector if the coodinates need to be converted.
    - TheView - Optional parameter if the zoom level or pixel location is desired.

Returns: CoordinateString - null

QuadArea=GetQuadArea(Xs, Ys)

Returns the area of the quad described by the four points in 3 dimensional space.
Since the points are not necessiarly co-planar, the calculation uses two triangles.

    Xs - x coordinate values ordered as UL, UR, LR, LL
    Ys - y coordinate values ordered as UL, UR, LR, LL

Returns: QuadArea - null


Computes the angle between two line segments in 2D space


Returns: Angle - in degrees


Computes the angle between two vectors in 2D space


Returns: Angle - in degrees


Checks to see if a value is value (i.e. not NaN or null)
(jjg - combine with IsDefined()?)


Returns: Flag - null


Removes all the children from a DOM element

    TheElement - The parent element that the children will be rmeoved from

Index=IndexOfChildInElement(Child, Parent)

Finds the index to the specified child in the parent DOM element

    Child - target element
    Parent - parent DOM element

Returns: Index - 1 if the child was not found in the parent

RemoveChildElement(Element, Parent)

Removes a child of a DOM element without generating an error if the child is not in the parent

    Element - target element
    Parent - parent DOM element

ContentsElement(Parent, TargetChild)

Returns true if the target child element appears anywhere in the DOM tree below the parent.

    Parent - parent to check children
    TargetChild - child to look for