
Learning outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be:

  1. Explain the FAA regulations detailed in Part 107

  2. Able to describe and select appropriate UAS components for a variety of applications

  3. Plan and execute a UAS mission

  4. Determine if conditions are safe to fly a UAV and recover from typical emergency scenarios

  5. Demonstrate flying a UAV around obstacles

  6. Process data from a UAV mission to create orthomosaics, elevation models, and videos.


  1. Quizzes will evaluate student’s mastery of the knowledge presented in the class (online and face-to-face).

  2. Students will demonstrate flying ability periodically through the course and be required to navigate a UAV through an obstacle course

  3. Students will lead a data collection mission and demonstrate all the steps required including responding to emergency situations

  4. An online test will be administered to test the students knowledge of UAS operations at the end of the class


  1. Quizzes: 10%

  2. Project: 40%

  3. Lab/Practical Assignments: 40%

  4. Professionalism: 10%

Schedule Overview

  1. Week one: Getting started with mini-drones

    1. Homework: A Review of Part 107


    2. Lecture:

      1. Introductions

        1. Introduction to UAS

        2. Basic safety procedures and responsibility

      2. Federal regulations (2 days)

      3. Components of a UAS (fixed and rotors)

      4. Fly missions start to finish

    3. Activities:

      1. Basic flying at field house (2 days)

      2. Mastering moves (1 day)

      3. Obstacle course (1 day)

      4. Qualifying on the course (1 day)

  2. Week two: Data gathering and processing with professional drones

    1. Lectures:

      1. Mission planning:

        1. Weather, crews, equipment, and software

        2. Image capture and overlap

      2. Planning missions with DroneDeploy

        1. Activity: Fly small, predefined area

      3. California regulations

        1. Reading: Voluntary Best Practices for UAS Privacy, Transparency, and Accountability

      4. National/State Parks

      5. Emergency procedures

    2. Activities:

      1. Basic flying at Leavey (1 day)

      2. Emergency procedures (1 day)

      3. Flying a formal mission (2 days)

      4. Processing data (1 day)

  3. Week three: Projects

    1. Lectures:

      1. CSU/HSU policies and procedures

      2. Applications (2 days)

      3. Troubleshooting

      4. Wrap up

    2. Activities:

      1. Flying for projects

      2. Processing data for projects



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