1. The default mapping interface. This tutorial will show you the full, default, interface for CanvasMap. The following tutorials will show you how to customize every aspect of the map.
2. A simple map with your data. Here you will modify an existing map with you data and change the style of how it is displayed. This tutorial will also show you how to develop maps without a web server.
3. A simple static map. This tutorial will show you how to turn off most of the user interface widgets in CanvasMap to make simple maps that can be placed on a web page for informational purposes.
4. Customizing the map. Different ways you can change the appearence of the map.
5. A layer that interacts with other web page elements. This tutorial will show you how to create a new layer class and override the mouse events so you can interact with other elements on a web page such as a chart or graph to show data from different regions on the earth.
6. How the code works - an overview of how CanvasMap works
7. Custom Layers - how to create your own layers
Additional examples
1. Adding point from the client. This example - shows how to add point data from a shapefile and display a point layer with images as icons for the points.
2. Project to Web Mercator. Shows how to load geographic data into CanvasMap and then project it to WebMercator for display.