Spatially Explicit Model
Model Description

Model Description

On the Model page of this web site is a very simple agent-based model that shows the potential spatial dynamics of disease spread. Because the model is spatial, it could also be referred to as a Spatially Explicit Individually Based Model or SEIBM.

Using the Model

The easiest way to use the model is to just press "Start". The model will run and you will see the agents moving around on the area to the right. Also, a graph will appear below the controls that show the number of living and uninfected individuals. When you click "Infect", you will infect one random individual in the population which will be then colored red. The disease will then spread based on the settings of the controls. When the infected individuals reach the "Max Infection Level", they will either die (crosses) or recover (blue). The chart shows living, uninfected individuals in green, infected individuals in red and dead individuals in black.

You can "Stop" the model at any time and then press "Go" to continue. You can also press "Start" which will restart the model.

Setup Controls

The first set of controls on the left setup the area for the model. These are used to create the area and the agents when you press "Start".

Dynamic Controls

These controls change the behavior of the model while it is running.