Class STLayerRaster
Extends STLayer
Represents a single raster or a tiled raster.
TheRaster contains a raster object that always contains the info on the entire raster
and may contain the actual raster data (if IsAllocated()==true)
General usage:
- If the pyramid exists, use it (this means UsePyramid=true and the raster is large)
- Else if the raster exists, use it
- Else use the Raster Reader
Painting calling sequence:
- Layer is called by parent (scene) to paint.
- Layer calls each painter (or a default) to PaintLayer()
- Painter either pulls tiles from the layer (3d view) or calls back into layer through Paint(TheView,ThePainter)
- Paint(TheView,ThePainter) calls Painter's PaintRaster() function for each tile in the pyramid or the whole raster
Copyright, SchoonerTurtles LLP, 2009
@author Jim Graham
Object Functions
Object Functions
STRaster GetRaster()
Exception Returns the entire raster if it can be loaded into RAM.
Returns: Throws: Exception
SetRaster(STRaster New)
Exception Sets this layer to use the specified raster
Parameters: New