Class STTopography
Extends STTransformRaster
Allow for the creation of slope, aspect, hillshade, and other topographic raster
layers from a DEM.
For information on how to create a hillshade see:
Copyright, SchoonerTurtles LLP, 2009
@author Jim Graham
Static Functions
Static Functions
STRaster Aspect(STRaster TheInput,double ZFactor)
Exception Creates an raster from the input DEM raster
Parameters: TheInputRaster - The DEM to use as the starting raster ZFactor - The cells size of the final raster in the horizonal
STRaster AspectEastWest(STRaster TheInput,double ZFactor)
Exception Creates an aspect raster from a DEM where each pixel represents how much a pixel's slope faces north vs. south.
Parameters: TheInputRaster - The DEM to use as the starting raster ZFactor - The cells size of the final raster in the horizonal
STRaster Hillshade(STRaster TheInputRaster,double Elevation,
double Direction,double ZFactor,STColorRamp TheColorRamp)
Exception Creates a colorized or grayscale hillshade from a DEM. This function works by creating a grayscale hillshade and then multiplying it by a colorized raster to create a hillshade in a single function.
Parameters: TheInputRaster - The DEM to use as the starting raster Elevation - The elevation of the sun above the horizon given as
STRaster Slope(STRaster TheInput,double ZFactor)
Exception Creates a slope raster from the input DEM raster
Parameters: TheInputRaster - The DEM to use as the starting raster ZFactor - Factor to expand the hillshade vertically. This also