Class STColorRamp
Extends STTransformRaster
Defines a color ramp that can be applied to a raster.
The color ramp can be any number of control points and can have variable
amounts of curvature based on fitting Bezier curves to the control points.
The output can be a gray scale, palette, or rgb raster.
This class is also a transform that simply converts a raster to a palette
Copyright, SchoonerTurtles LLP, 2009
@author Jim Graham
Static Functions
Static Functions
STRaster ColorRamp(STRaster TheInput,STColorRamp TheColorRamp)
Exception Apply a color map in a file to a raster. The color maps can be from the "STSettings" folder or you can create your own in BlueSpray and then "Export" it as an "stx" file.
Parameters: InputFile TheColorRamp - An STColorRamp object Returns: OutputRaster - this will be a palette raster Throws: Exception