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© SchoonerTurtles, Inc. 2012-2015

Getting Started

Class STTransformRaster

Extends STTransform

int 0 GetXPadInPixels()  
int 0 GetYPadInPixels()  
Calls ProcessTile() for each tile Process(STContent Inputs[],STContent Outputs[]) Exception
Calls ProcessTile(Input,Output) ProcessTile(int Cycle,STContent Inputs[],STContent Outputs[]) Exception
Exception ProcessTile(int Cycle,STRaster Input) Exception
Exception ProcessTile(int Cycle,STRaster Input,STRaster Output) Exception
Exception ProcessTile(int Cycle,STRaster[] Inputs,STRaster[] Outputs) Exception

Object Functions

int GetXPadInPixels()  

Override to return a non-size number of pixels to place as a pad around the tiles
the process will receive. This buffer will contain pixels from adjacent tiles or
copies of pixels along the edges. For a 3x3 matrix, the pad will be 1.

Returns: Number of pixels to pad in the x (horizontal) direction

int GetYPadInPixels()  

Override to return a non-size number of pixels to place as a pad around the tiles
the process will receive.

Returns: Number of pixels to pad in the y (vertical) direction

Process(STContent Inputs[],STContent Outputs[]) Exception

Can be overriden to allow a process to operate from arrays of inputs and outputs.
If this function is not overriden then it is assumed that we are working with
raster tiles and the ProcessTile() function will be called for each tile in
the raster layers in the inputs.

Allows processing from vector layer to raster tiles, from raster tiles to
raster tiles, and from raster tiles to vector layer.

    Inputs - array of STContent inputs, typically STLayerRasters

ProcessTile(int Cycle,STContent Inputs[],STContent Outputs[]) Exception

Override this function to provide processing for vector layers to raster tiles,
raster tiles to raster tiles, and raster tiles to vector layers.

    Inputs - contains inputs which can be raster tiles or other layers
    Outputs - contains outputs which can be raster tiles or other layers

ProcessTile(int Cycle,STRaster Input) Exception

Override this process for an input raster when an output raster is not created.
This override can be used for processes such as Flip and Mirror where the
user is really not wanting another raster to be created.


ProcessTile(int Cycle,STRaster Input,STRaster Output) Exception

Override to process an input raster into an output raster when:
- The process takes one raster and transforms it into a single output raster
- The input and output rasters have the same size, data type, and number of bands


ProcessTile(int Cycle,STRaster[] Inputs,STRaster[] Outputs) Exception