String GetDefaultOutputName(int Index)
Returns the default output name for a specified output from the process.
All subclasses that create new content should override this.
Index - Which output name is desired.
Returns: A string with the name that will appear as the name of the output
boolean GetInPlace()
Returns true if the process does not create an output item but instead
operates on the input data in its existing container.
Returns: false normally, true if the process does not produce a different
Class[] GetInputClasses(int Index)
Returns an array of possible types of classes that this process can take for
the specified input.
Index - which input the classes are requested for (not which class, most
int GetMaxInputs()
Returns the maximum number of inputs. Returns the value from GetNumInputs()
by default but should be overriden by subclasses that have a variable number
of inputs.
Returns: Current number of inputs desired by the process
int GetMaxOutputs()
Returns the maximum number of outputs. The same as NumOutputs unless
a subclass has a variable number of outputs and has overriden this function.
Returns: Current number of outputs desired by the process
boolean GetModifies()
Returns true if the process modifies the data (which is typically the case).
Returns false if the process only examines the data such as an analysis process.
Returns: false if the data is not touched by this process
int GetNumInputs()
Returns the number of inputs desired by the process. This function can return
different values based on other settings so all settings should be set before
calling this function.
Returns: Current number of inputs desired by the process
int GetNumOutputs()
Returns the number of outputs desired by the process. This function can return
different values based on other settings and based on the current input.
Returns: Current number of outputs desired by the process
Class[] GetOutputClasses(int Index)
Returns an array of class types that are supported by the process.
Index - Indicates which output information is requested for.
Returns: Returns an array of Class containing the class types that are supported.
The main entry point into a process to have it run and complete processing.
Should be overridden if the process needs detailed control over the inputs
and outputs (i.e. rarely).
Returns: Abort flag
Process(STContent Inputs[],STContent Outputs[])
Can be overridden to allow a process to operate from arrays of inputs and outputs.
If this function is not overridden then it is assumed that we are working with
raster tiles and the ProcessTile() function will be called for each tile in
the raster layers in the inputs.
Allows processing from vector layer to raster tiles, from raster tiles to
raster tiles, and from raster tiles to vector layer.
Returns: Abort flag
The main entry point into a process to have it run and complete processing.
Should be overriden if the process needs detailed control over the inputs
and outputs (i.e. rarely).
Returns: Abort flag