
Creating a Web Site


This lab will cover the requirements of a web site. The content below shows you how to do this with WordPress is an easy to use, online system for creating web sites and blogs. You can also use another system or develop the web site in your "public_html" folder using software such as DreamWeaver.

If you choose to use your "public_html" folder, the most complicated part of this process will be completing the process for setting up your public_html folder hosted by HSU. Be sure to carefully follow all of the instructions on this page. When you have completed the process through HSU's Information Technology Services page, you can begin to design your web portfolio. Your web folder can be accessed from anywhere on campus, and if you download an ftp client (example: Cyberduck, FileZilla) from home as well. If you have access to Adobe Dreamweaver, it is a great software that lets you edit your page and see a live view at the same time. There are many great online tutorials if you need some help using this software.

If you feel comfortable with editing HTML, you are more than welcome to write your page from scratch. Regardless of the approach you use, be sure to include everything that is required for the assignment.

Learning Outcomes

Creating the Web Site

Understanding Word Press


Creating an Account at


Adding Content to Your Web Site

To add an image of a map to a web page:

  1. Create you’re a map layout using a GIS and any other graphic design software you prefer.
  2. Once your map is complete, export the map as an image file, such as PNG or JPEG.
  3. Upload the image to WordPress and insert it into your document.
  4. For small maps like these, it is a good idea to include a descriptive caption."

Creating a Welcome Page


Creating an About Page and Blog Post


Customizing the Appearance of your Web Site

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