
Digitizing HSU


For this lab, you'll be digitizing a portion of the HSU campus for use in a new HSU online map. You'll want to take your time and carefully digitize the features. To make sure the digitizing is done well, you'll be working in groups of two and then QAQCing each others work. We'll be digitizing in the same way you did for your island so part of this process is already familiar to you. However, we'll need to carefully digitize on top of a raster to have high quality data.

For 2021:

Students have requested being able to search for a room in a building on campus and then zoom to the building on a map. They also want to see where the entrances for that building are. To create this data, we'll be digitizing the rooms from layouts and then identifying where the entrances are.

One of our super seniors, Niko Lopez is the GIS coordinator for this project and he may join us to answer questions.


The data you'll need is in our GoogleDrive in:

This folder contains JPG raster files for each of the floors of buildings on campus from our facilities department. There is also a spreadsheet in the HSUData drive with each the floors identified. You'll want to add your names to the floors you'll be digitizing and then update the other columns as you complete the floors.


The original floor plans are in a CAD system that uses different file formats and spatial references from the GIS world. Niko has taken screen captures of the layouts that we will need to georeference to the earth. This is the same process we use to georeference aerial images.

  1. Download the 3" Arcata data from our folder and decompress it into your Originals folder and then load it into ArcGIS Pro
  2. Search the web for “ArcGIS Pro Georeferencing”
  3. Follow the steps on the web page to georeference your image(s) to the correct building in the 3” data in ArcGIS Pro
  4. Create a polygon shapefile for the rooms in one of the floors for your building and name the shapefile with "building_floor.shp". For the first floor of the Forestry Building, this would be "Forestry_1.shp". For Natural Resources second floor, this would be "NaturalResources_1.shp". Please remove the spaces from the building names and use underscores to separate the floor number from the name. Just use "B" for floors that are basements.
  5. Trace over the inside inner edge of wall of the room a. Trace across opens like doors.
  6. Add an "RoomNum" attribute to the shapefile for the of the room number and then add the room number (which may include a letter) to the appropriate attribute.
  7. When done, save the data to the Working folder in:
    1. 2021 GSP 510 -> HSUData -> 2_Working -> Buildings -> <BuildingName>
  8. Where <BuldingName> is the name of your building
  9. Next, create a polyline shapefile and name it "Entrances". Add the entrances to the building. We are planning on using an arrow that points into the building where the entrances are so please digitize from about 5 meters (15 feet) from the building toward the entrance and perpendicular to it.
  10. Save this shapefile into the <BuildingName> folder
  11. Each group should be able to finish at least two floors but some buildings are simpler than others so you may be able to create more. However, reworking data is often as hard as doing it right the first time so please make sure you digitizing accurate.
  12. Finally, make sure to add the appropriate meta-data to your files. Using the ArcGIS Pro meta-data editor, make sure all the red "x"s are gone by filling in appropriate values for the meta data.


Additional Resources


Creating Reports in MS-Word

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