GPS handhelds are great when they work. However, they need a clear view of a large area of the sky to get a "fix". Here at HSU, and in many areas around the world, this is hard to come by either because you are in a canyon, have a lot of tree cover, or you need higher resolution than a typical GPS allows. You could purchase and carry in a sub-meter GPS but there are times when you cannot afford one or one is simply not available. In these cases, we need to fall back on other methods to get high resolution data.
By the end of this module, you should be able to:
Go to the Arcata city website and download the map for the Arcata Forest. Take a look at the map and ask your self:
Try finding a location from a distance and direction:
Hints: Use the web to convert direction in degrees to radians Use the web to convert DD to UTM Use a mapping app to find the location
Field Methods 2 (YouTube Video)
If needed: Spatial Reference Issues
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