Getting Started Tutorials 3D Reference

Introduction to Chart.js

This page walks through the US County Map examples of using Chart.js with CanvasMap.

The first step is to create a container for the chart and any other information you'd like to display:

<table border="0" style="padding:10px;margin:10px">
  <div id="CM_MapContainer_0"></div>
<div id="CountyInfo" style='width:300px;height:30px;border:1px solid #000000;padding:10px'>State: None</div>
<div style="width:300px">
  <!-- Note that here we have to set the height and width as attributes separate from the style for Canvas elements --->
  <canvas id="TheChartCanvas" height='320' width='300' style="border:1px solid #000000;padding:10px;bottom:0px"></canvas>

The next step is to override the onload function for the county layer so we can colorize the features based on an attribute and setup the legend.

var TheColors=['#d7191c','#fdae61','#ffffbf','#abd9e9','#2c7bb6'];

var TheDataset=Layer_Counties.GetDataset();

// get the feature values into an array
var AttributeIndex=TheDataset.GetAttributeIndexFromHeading("AGE010210D");

var FeatureValues=TheDataset.GetAttributeArray(AttributeIndex);

// get colors to match the values
var Intervals=[0,10000,20000,50000,100000,200000];

var Result=CMUtilities.GetColorsFromArrays(FeatureValues,TheColors,Intervals); // get the feature colors and legend labels

// setup an array with styles based on the colors
var FeatureColors=Result.FeatureColors;

for (var i=0;i<TheDataset.GetNumAttributeRows();i++)
// make a black outline for the selected style

// add a legend
var TheCanvasElement=TheMainContainer.GetElement("CanvasContainerID");

var TheLegend=CMUtilities.AddLegend(TheCanvasElement,TheColors,Result.LegendLabels,10,302,190,115);																													

Next, we override the MouseDown function to update the chart and other information.

	var Used=false; // flag to indicate if we have used the event
	// get the feature selected, if any
	var FeatureIndex=this.In(TheView,RefX,RefY); 
	if (FeatureIndex!=-1) // -1 indicates no feature selected
		var TheDataset=this.GetDataset();
		// update the DIV tag over the chart to contain the name of the selected county
		var TheCountyInfo=document.getElementById("CountyInfo");
		TheCountyInfo.innerHTML="County: "+TheDataset.GetAttributeCellByHeading("NAME",FeatureIndex);
		// Setup the labels and "buckets" for the chart
		var AttributeHeaders=["AGE010180D","AGE010190D","AGE010200D","AGE010210D"];
		var Labels=["1980","1990","2000","2010"];
		var Buckets=[]; // the buckets (values) for each cateogory
		for (var i=0;i<Labels.length;i++) 
			var TheHeading=AttributeHeaders[i];
		Used=true; // let the caller know we've used the event so no one else uses it

The UpdateChart() function takes care of updating the chart based on the attributes for the selected feature.

* Updates the chart with new data and labels
var TheChart=null; // global with the existing chart, if any

function UpdateChart(Labels,Buckets)
	// Setup the data for the chart library
	var Color="rgba(20,20,20,1)";
	var TheBarChartData={
		type: 'line',
		data: {
			labels : Labels,
			datasets : [{
				label: 'population',
				data : Buckets,
				borderColor : Color
	} = false;
	// Get the canvas element for the chart and set its data
	var TheChartCanvas=document.getElementById("TheChartCanvas"); // canvas
	var TheContext=TheChartCanvas.getContext("2d");
	if (TheChart!=null) TheChart.destroy();
	TheChart=new Chart(TheContext,TheBarChartData);