Getting Started Tutorials 3D Reference

Gridded Projections

The goals of this project were to give web maps the freedom to select an appropriate presentation for their project and to provide access to the wide number of projections that are currently available. The specific goals were to provide:


Available Projection Engines

We have evaluated the available JavaScript engines and found them to have limited projection support and crash regularly, particularly in back-projection. Available engines in Java were also examined and found to be lacking in support and have quality issues. Also, Java is more challenging to support than other options.


The main projection engine used by GIS applications and utilities is Proj4. Proj4 supports the largest number of projections and projection parameters and is fast. Proj4 is available as a C++ open source library, as DLLs, and as a library for Python.


A web service that called a Python script running Proj4 was investigated and the performance was good for small numbers of coordinates but not large numbers required for complex maps and projection on the fly. A gridded approach where the corners of a grid are projected and sent to the browser was found to have excellent performance. Coodinates that didi not fall on the corners of the grid were interpolated from the nearest grid coordinates.


The design consists of a JavaScript class that provides projection on the fly in the browser. The user specifies the projection and projection settings. Then, when the first function to project coordinates is called, a projeciton grid of with the specified projection and parameters is requested from the server. A Python script running on the server will then either return an existing projection grid file or create a new one. The projection grid files are in JSON format.

Projection Explorer II

For development, a GUI was created called "Projection Explorer II" (the first Projection Explorer is in the software BlueSpray). This GUI allows the user to evaluate various projections and parameters and their performance.

Within the ProjectionGrid folder that is a JSON file, ProjInfo_NoVar.js, that contains a description of the projection methods and their parameters based on Proj4 (note that the contents varies from one install of Proj4 to another).

Finding the Bounds (the _ComputeEastingsAndNorthings())

One of the key challenges in projecting and back-projecting, is finding the valid bounds of the projection. The valid bounds varies with the projection and its settings. Some projections, such as cylindrical projections, always have a bounds matching the entire world. However, other projections, such as those used for UTM, can have massive distortions, wrap around on themselves, and even overlap with themselves. One of the key features in freeing up our use of projections is finding the valid bounds for a projection.

  1. Collect the settings for the new projection which includes:
    1. Projection method, associated settings
    2. LatNewPole - this is a special setting that triggers Proj4s NewPole setting
    3. LatMin, LatMax, LonMin, LonMax
    4. DegreeSpacing - desired increment for the lat/lon grids. The actual step will be close to this but will perfectly divide the distance between the LatMin/LatMax and the LonMin/LonMax
  2. Initialize the:
    1. Eastings[][] and Northings[][] grids with nans.
    2. CellStatues[][] to be STATUS_UNKNOWN
    3. BoundsPoints[][] to None
  3. Initialize the Eastings[][] and Northings[][] grids with projected coordinate values. Some of these values will still be nans.
    1. Finds the EastingMin, EastingMax, NorthingMin, NorthingMax
  4. Selecting the cell to start finding the bounds
    1. Currently just finds the middle cell
    2. Needs to:
      1. Find the center from the min/max lat/lon
      2. Adjust if the pole is moved too far
  5. Add cells that are "INSIDE" the projection bounds

Determining if a Cell is Inside the Projection Bounds (CheckCell())

A cell is marked as inside if:

  1. It is a valid cell (i.e. row and column are in the grids)
  2. Area distortion is within allowable limits
  3. Find the number of sides that are outside the current bounds and are consecutive (should be 0, 1, 2, or 3). Also find the index to the first outside cell. This is a bit tricky:
    1. the arrays ColumnPointOffsets and RowPointOffsets provides offsets to the cells that are adjacent to the target cell. The indexes are setup to have us go around the target cell up to two times for the algorithm below.
    2. Find the first adjacent cell that is INSIDE
    3. Find the next adjacent cell that is OUTISDE (StartOutsideIndex)
    4. Count the number of OUTSIDE cells
  4. Check if any of the points between the sides that are common boundaries with an OUTSIDE or UNKNOWN cell are insdie the existing projection bounds.
  5. If the target cell passed all the checks, take action based on the number of sides:
    1. Remove the points that form the "notch"
    2. Move the point between the two sides to add the cell to the bounds
    3. Add two new points

Checking Cells



The main class, SPProjectorGrid uses the approach of only computing information that is needed when requested. Then, when settings change, a Reset() function is called to reset all the information that has been computed.


The main library for projecting data is SPReferencing in SPPy

To setup the create the grid files:

Creating the Grids

The following code is in the C:\ProjectsPython\

Note that o_lat_p (Latitude of New Pole) is supported on almost all projections and allows a view of the poles.




Python Classes

SPBoundsPoint - an individual point within the bounds polygon

Member Variables:

SPProjectedBounds - a linked list of STBoundsPoint objects describing the current bounds polygon

Member Variables:

Member Functions:

SPProjectorGrid - the projector class that provides grids of projected points.


Member Variables:


Member Functions:



  1. Setup local variables
  2. Initialize the grids: Eastings (nan), Northings (nan), CellStatuses (STATUS_UNKNOWN), BoundsPoints (None)
  3. Compute the eastings and northings
    1. Any invalid values are converted to "nan"
    2. This also initializes:
      1. NumCols
      2. NumRows
      3. DegreeSpacing
      4. EastingMax,EastingMin
      5. NorthingMax, NorthingMin
    3. Populate the CellStatuses[][] grid



JavaScript Classes


Project Explorer Web Tool

Low-level utilities


Geographic Map Functions

Control Panel Handling
