This is the main code folder for CanvasMap. At the root of this folder is the BuildMini.bat file which builds the CanvasMap.js minified version of CanvasMap. BuildMini.bat is created by the Java program "". JavaScript (js) Files: This folder contains all the JavaScript files that make up CanvasMap. It also contains BuildFiles.txt which is a list of all the files that are released in the minifiied version, CanvasMap.js CanvasMap.js - the main CanvasMap file CMLayer.js - base class for all layers in scenes CMLayerDataset - the layer to display GeoJSON vector data CMLayerGraticule.js - layer in development for adding graticules to a map CMLayerPyramid.js - layer to support pyramids (tiles) from BlueSpray, both raster and vector CMLayerPyramidOpenFormat - layer to support pyramids (tiles) from the open format used by OpenStreetMap CMLayerRaster.js - layer to support individual rasters (only use for smallish ones CMNorthArrow.js - layer in dvelopment to draw north arrows that point north on a map CMProjector.js - base class for projection classes CMProj4JS2.js - Provides a projector class to wrap the Proj4JS2.js library below CMProjectorUTM.js - UTM projection class CMScaleBar.js - class to put scale bars into a CanvasMap that correctly scale as the map moves CMScene.js - container for layers within a CanvasMap CMTiles.js - class to represents a single tile within a pyramid for raster and vector tiles from BlueSpray CMUtilities.js - general utilities for managing; borders, colors, Geometries from JSON, etc. CMView.js - the view of a scene in a CanvasMap. Libraries from other sources: Chart.js - Library for the charts in the examples from "Chart.js" hammer.js - library for supporting mobile jestures jquery-2.1.0.js - jQuery library for browser compatibility and a few animations (i.e. the slider in the HSU web map) Proj4JS2.js - A convertion of the Proj4.js library. This was created using a Java program to make the code run in a browser and to make it more readable. To build the minifie version of the js folder, CanvasMap.js, run BuildMini.bat. If you get an error that it "Cannot Read File", then DW probably put non-UTF 8 characters into the file. Open the file in NotePad++, set the encoding to UTF-8 and look for blocks of green with hex values in them and remove them.