
Attribute Types

Key Points

  1. How to select attribute data types for different types of attribute values.

Data Types

Computers have specific ways of storing numbers. How the numbers are stored determines the minimum and maximum values and whether the number can have fractional values.

Name Number of Bits Number of Bytes Minimum Value Maximum Value Number of Values Significant Digits
Bit 1 1/8 0 1 2 (21) <1
Chew 2 1/4 0 3 4 (22) <1
Nibble 4 1/2 0 15 16 (24) >1
Unsigned Byte 8 1 0 255 256 (28) >2
Signed Byte
(aka chars)
8 1 -128 127 256 (28) >2
Unsigned Short 16 2 0 65535 65536 (216 or 64k) >4
Signed Short 16 2 -32768 32767 65536 (216 or 64k) >4
Unsigned Integer (Int) 32 4 0 4,294,967,295 4,294,967,295 (232 or 4Gig) >9
Signed Integer 32 4 -2,147,483,648 2,147,483,647 4,294,967,295 (232 or 4Gig) >9
Long Integer
(always signed)
64 8 A big negative number A big positive number 264 >19
(always signed)
32 4 ~ -1040 ~ 1040 232 ~7
(always signed)
64 8 ~ -10300 ~ 10300 264 ~15

The available types of numbers in a modern computer.

Integer and Floating Point

In the table there are Integer values (Bit, Chew, Nibble, Byte, Short, and Integer). These values can only contain whole numbers. There are also Floating Point values (Float and Double). These values can have fractional values associated with the number. This is a very important distinction and you need to select the correct format for your numbers.

Dates and Strings

In addition to numbers, computers can store dates and strings. String are stored as sequences of characters. This includes the text you are currently reading. Each letter is a "character" in a string.

Dates are stored with their year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. You may see dates in two common formats:

Attributes in ArcGIS

When you create an attribute, you have to select a data type. The list of available types is shown below for ArcGIS Attributes, ArcGIS GRIDS (and other rasters in ArcGIS), and in Geodatabases. The recommended types are in bold.

Name ArcGIS Attributes ArcGIS Rasters Geodatabase
Unsigned byte   Unsigned 8 bit  
Signed byte   Signed 8 bit  
Unsigned short   Unsigned 16 bit  
Signed short Short Integer Signed 16 bit Short Integer
Unsigned Integer   Unsigned 32 bit  
Signed Integer   Signed 32 bit Long Integer
Long Long Integer    
Float Float Floating-point 32 bit Single-precision floating point
Double Double   Double-precision floating point
String Text   Text
Date Date   Date


Examples of Attributes:

ArcGIS Name Name Data Type Description
Name Name String Could be the name of a town, state, or college
Species Species name String The scientific name of a species
NumPeople Number of People Long Integer Number of people in the feature
Area Area Double The area of a state, county or other polygonal region
Length Length Double The length of a stream or road
Easting Easting Double X coordinate value
Temp Temperature Double Temperature (units should be in the metadata)
NumTrees Number of Trees Long Integer Number of trees in the feature
Height Height Double Height of a tree (units in metadata)
DateColl Date Collected Date Date the data was collected
CollName Collector Name String Name of the person who did the collecting


First, note that I have to use 10 characters or less for the name of the attribute. This is a limitation of the ArcGIS software. Also, it is best to not use any punctation except the underscore ("_") character.

Note that I have used Double for all floating point types and "Long Integer" for all integer types. This will ensure that you do not run out of precision.

Note: Selecting the correct data type for attributes is critical, something you'll be doing regularly, and you'll be tested on it.

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