BlueSpray - Help
SchoonerTurtles, Inc. 2012-2015 |
Running BlueSpray as an HTTP ServerYou can have BlueSpray either execute Javascript ("js") files or JavaScript that is sent through the port as an HTTP request. In either case, you can develop your scripots in BlueSpray in the "Scripts" item and then save them as files or embed them in other web pages to be sent to BlueSpray as needed. You can also build powerful and flexible web applications by creating JavaScript on the fly and sending the scripts to BlueSpray. The command line below will launch BlueSpray without a GUI and with port 4444 ready to receive requests. java -Xms512m -Xmx1024m - jar BlueSpray.jar nogui port=4444 Executing the following line as a URL in a browser on the same machine running BlueSpray should show BlueSpray projecting a coordinate from geographic to UTM. The script "coordinate.js" is a sample script in the folder "STWebRoot" which is BlueSprays root folder for web applications. http://localhost:4444/coordinate.js