BlueSpray - Help
© SchoonerTurtles, Inc. 2012-2015

Getting Started

Creating a new Extension in NetBeans

The following instructions will show you how you can create a new extension for BlueSpray in NetBeans.  This will allow you to debug the extension using NetBeans source code debugger and other tools.

  1. Click on “File” and select “New Project…”
  2. Select “Java” as the category and “Java Application” as the project.
  3. Click “Next”
  4. Give the project an appropriate name.
  5. After “Create Main Class” put in one of the following names followed by the class name for the main class.  This will become the name of the package which BlueSpray will use to find the extension:
    - “com.SchoonerTurtles.PointExtension.”
    - “com.SchoonerTurtles.VectorExtension.”
    - “com.SchoonerTurtles.RasterExtension.”
  6. Click “Finish”
  7. Right click on the project and select “Properties…”
  8. Click on the “Run” category
  9. Enter the following line into the “VM Options:”  -Djava.library.path=C:\ProjectsJava\BlueSpray\STLibraries  -Xms500m  -Xmx2000m
  10. Open your new class and insert the following code at the bottom:
                    public static void main(String[] args)
  11. Right click on “Libraries” and select “Add JAR/Folder”.
  12. Navigate to the BlueSpray folder and select the BlueSpray.jar file.
  13. Make sure “Relative Path” or “Absolute Path” is selected and click “Open”.
  14. Right click on “Libraries” and select “Add JAR/Folder” again.
  15. Navigate to the “lib” folder in the same folder as the BlueSpray.jar file.
  16. Select all the jar files in the folder by clicking on the first file, holding down the “shift” key, and clicking on the last file.
  17. Make sure the “Relative” or “Absolute” paths are selected and click Open.  You have now added the entire BlueSpray application to your project.
  18. Start overriding the appropriate functions to implement the new BlueSpray Extension.